What lights you up and brings balance and fulfilment to your life?

I am a certified life coach based in Salisbury who is passionate about working with people that are feeling overwhelmed and stuck to create a clear vision of what they really want in life. Previously, I have worked as a teacher in the UK, Japan and Vietnam with both adults and children.

Let's work together to discover the unique path to the life that you truly desire. What inspires you?

My journey to coaching
As a highly sensitive person living in a fast-paced modern world, and having suffered from varying degrees of anxiety and low self esteem since childhood, I have felt compelled over the years to travel to far flung places.  I knew that I needed to do this in order to seek out life experiences and practices that would help to bring more balance, peace of mind and freedom to my life.

Whilst on this journey, I discovered the power of coaching and it has since become clear that my life passion and strengths lie in supporting others to find their own authentic path to fulfilment and wellbeing. I felt inspired to act and was full of renewed energy and purpose.

Each and every one of us is born into the world our unique, perfect self with wonderful gifts that are there to be shared and explored. We all have a role to play and the potential to live extremely fulfilling, joyful and creative lives.

All too often, however, this inner light and guidance can be over-shadowed by fears and limitations from an early age. Through coaching, we can draw out and question the limiting beliefs that have arisen as a result of conditioning and access our truest selves. We can follow our own authentic path and create a life that is a healthy reflection of our deepest values and beliefs.
About you

You want to prioritise the things that bring you joy, vitality and build resilience but never seem to find the time.

You want to envision a future for yourself that excites and inspires you.

You have unique gifts to share with the world but don't know where to start.

You are often overwhelmed by this fast-paced, busy modern world.

You are juggling family and work life and always seem to be tired and sapped of energy.

You feel that life is living you and that the constant noise of the world has blocked out your authentic voice.

You are ready to make changes but need some support and space to find out what you want and how to get there.

Book a free 30 minute discovery call to find out how coaching can benefit you.
About me
Whilst working as a teacher, I found that I was continually absorbing the emotions of others, as well as having my own emotional responses to daily situations; this was wearing on my nervous system and having an effect on my physical and emotional wellbeing.

Over the years, the education system was becoming increasingly pressurised and results driven. In the end I was working such long, stressful hours that I had no time or energy to do the things that I needed to do to rebalance and regain my vitality; my levels of anxiety had become unbearably high. To heal, I realised that I simply had to explore the question 'what lights you up and brings balance to your life?' and then take action to create change. There was no alternative.

With the support of coaching and a few inspiring books, I made a plan that was a deep reflection of my highest held beliefs and values; I was finally going to make these a priority!

Leaving teaching and my comfortable salary behind, I took a major leap. Full of trepidation, I gave away everything I owned and headed to South East Asia. Although it felt uncomfortable at first, I was able to slow the pace of life right down.

 I spent a year getting involved with the things that inspired me: yoga and meditation; learning about natural building in the jungle; organic farming and teaching English as a volunteer to local children. I immersed myself completely in nature. Gradually, I felt myself begin to 'light up' again and regain my resiliance and balance.
I trained and qualified as a personal performance coach with The Coaching Academy in London and have met the International Coaching Federation Standards for coaching.

In addition to this, I have a BA Hons in History and a PGCE in Seconday History from UEA. I have worked in primary and secondary schools, as well as language schools, as a teacher and a TA for over twenty years in England, Japan and Vietnam.
About coaching
Coaching is future focused. It takes you from where you are now to where you want to be.

Through coaching, we can discover and follow our own authentic path and create a life that is a healthy reflection of our deepest values and beliefs.

We can draw out and question the limiting beliefs that have arisen as a result of conditioning and access our truest selves.

Accountability is a huge factor in what makes life coaching successful. It can be powerful and and highly motivating to have a coach holding you accountable to moving towards your goals.

Coaching is non-judgmental and confidential. It is all about the support that you can't find with family and friends.

The act of showing up for yourself is a powerful statement to the universe that you will reach your desired goal.
I am offering one to one coaching sessions. During your sessions you bring the agenda and identify what is important to you.

Being listened to in complete confidentiality and without judgement is highly valuable when on the path to self development. That is what one to one coaching sessions can offer you.

There are two ways of working with me: 
In person at a comfortable location that is local to Salisbury. We can discuss possible options during the free 30 minute discovery call.
On zoom: Connect with me from the comfort of your home or office from anywhere around the world.

Each session will be 60 minutes long.

If you are interested in finding out how coaching can benefit you, contact me anytime to book a free 30 minute discovery call. I look forward to hearing from you.

What are the benefits of coaching?

As a result of coaching you can:
* Improve your sense of life balance
* Move towards and achieve personal goals
* Gain clarity over how you can build resilience
* Increase self-awareness, including discovering your unique strengths and gifts
* Identify and prioritise your highest needs, beliefs and values
* Gain insights that improve your relationship with yourself and others
* Live a life without fear of judgement and according to your own standards and needs.

How many sessions will I need?

The bigger and more involved the goal, the longer you may need a life coach to help facilitate your success. Short-term goals can be successful with fewer sessions if you are someone who stays motivated. We can discuss your needs regarding this aspect during the discovery call.

What is my role as a coach?

My role as coach is to provide a process of questioning and interaction to help you to identify goals, think creatively, gain clarity and overcome barriers that keep you stuck. Remember, the answers are always within you. As a coach, I endeavour to listen with a warm, calm and non-judgemental ear. I make it a priority to ensure that I am in an optimum mental state to be able to hold space for you so that you can freely explore your inner world.

Live a life free from the fear of judgement

Contact me
To book your free 30 minute discovery session

Call: 07498 306917

Email: Caroline.Molony@outlook.com

Salisbury, England, United Kingdom